Advance Your Career Become A

Getting Started at Progressive College Of Florida


Applicants must meet the following requirements:

Step 1 : Application

  1. Be at least 18 years of age at the time of graduation.

  2. Have a signed permission from a parent or guardian if less than 18 years old at the time of admission.

  3. Make payment for Application Fee $25.00 and Enrollment Fee $125.00. Click Here. Then proceed below.

  4. Submit a signed enrollment agreement.

  5. Have a personal interview with the admissions representative or a school official.

  6. Make payment arrangements for the required tuition and fees.


Applicants must meet the following requirements:

Step 2 : Program Tuition

All financial responsibilities must be met prior to starting classes.

Step 3 : Clear The Following Screenings

  1. Physical examination

  2. Obtain or sign a declination of the Hepatitis B Vaccine

  3. 10 Panel drug test

  4. Level II Background check

Step 4 : Personal Interview

A personal interview with each applicant is required prior to acceptance into any program.  The personal interview also gives the institution an opportunity to evaluate the applicant and determine eligibility.


Step 5 : Acceptance into the institution

  1. A complete physical health form must be submitted to the School Director.  Final acceptance into the program will be contingent upon the results of the medical form.

  2. No student may enroll in a clinical course unless the health form has been submitted, reviewed, and accepted.

  3. The applicant will be informed of the admissions decision once all requirements have been met.

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